Outside bodies

There are a number of organisations which are independent from the council, but have an impact on its service areas.

In order that the council can maintain effective partnerships with a number of these organisations, representatives of the council, usually elected councillors, sit on the various committees and forums that are responsible for them.

To find the contact details for the council’s representative on a particular outside body please follow the relevant link.



No version specified, defaulting to version 2.0.

Only one {pagetitle} on the page.

No <base> tag found in page.

No relative links found in template.

{meta} tag found, please note this is not required in ReverseCMS 2.0 and can safely be removed.

Please note these tests are for guidance only, we encourage you to use webtools in your browser to check for missing resources and navigate through the site fully to ensure you are confident the template works as you would like before asking us to apply the template to your live site.

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